Saturday, January 29, 2011

We need authors

if u want to be a author here u 1. must be resposible and not abuse ur power 2. we need ur email to add u 3. do not delete the blog 4.dont be rude because u have the power 4. dont change stuff without me or chrises permission. 5. do not post flame posts (posts that mkae ppl mad) 6. do not ever ever ever ever ever hurt anyone or cuss in ur posts or on anything. 7. we must be able to trust u. If u can do all those things than apply  by commenting on this post. I will only choose one of u.


  1. hey i might b able 2 . depends on my time and stuff but probroly yeah just show me how

  2. well u need a email and the instructions ar ein the post once we get ur email we can add u
