Creator of army Slush7557 Chris99063
leader/s of army Slush7557 Chris99063
2ic kayla
3ic saka99
head of generals 11oreo11
high generals
major generals ashley DI jonaslove
generals Mew 2 Red
head of colonel
high colonels reddy
major colonels
colonel jerm77nieb
head of majors
high majors
elite majors
head of luitenants
high luitenants
major luitenants
head of sergants
high sergants
major sergants
head of privates pmorr
private1st class
private 2nd class
private 3d class
ELITE CLASSES(must be luitenant or above to apply for elite classes)
elite medic
elite trooper
heavy trooper
death trooper ( most dangerous and requires training on death trooper training page must be elite major above to apply) Slush7557 Chris99063
assasain (requires training and must be atleast major luitenant and u will be given training courses on assasain page just apply on assasain page for training)
jet trooper (must be pilot)
motto normal motto... we are the blue that protect you! (say in caps in battle) recruiting motto..... join blue who protect you
if u want to join comment on this page and u must include cp armies u have been in time zone will u attend battles and will u stay loyal. Uniform for members blue goalie gear epf comm helmet tactical boots comm sat pack and blue bass guitar. for nonmembers wear blue a blue belt and anything else that u have thats blue. and be on chat our chat is
here we love club penguin and anything fun this website was started on september 17th 2010 and has been going strong! we also have our own army called the Sleet Bandits and we love to be funny (if u feel insulted by slushes jokes he dosent mean to hurt u... well maybe he dose) well thats what our blog is about its also about teh epick hobo who may or may not exist (yes i spelled epic wrong but if a hobo is that epic u spell it epick) and one more thing PEACE OUT SUCKAS! :D
if u would like to be a death trooper try outs tommorow
ReplyDeletehi i know this will just tick you off so can a become a sleet bandit ('._')
ReplyDeletesur but ur getting lowest wrong Mwahahahahaha
ReplyDeleterank dumb spelling
ReplyDeletehey i went on wheres the party
ReplyDeleteim getting on now ~SLush7557~
ReplyDeletek im back